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REDCap Services

If needs for your project lie outside of our normal free support policy or for more customized individual help, you may request support from our consult services. Our consult services operate on a flat fee basis.

Some common use cases of our consultation services include:

Project design support

Our expert database administrators are available to consult with your team on designing your REDCap project. Your team can describe or provide your protocol and our team will detail how your project should be constructed in REDCap.

e.g. You need to create a study tracking database with adverse events, but you are unsure of the best way to do so. Our team can advise your team on how to best build this project in REDCap to collect data properly.

Project development and build support

Instead of having to learn and build your REDCap project, a member of the REDCap admin team will construct your REDCap project for you.

e.g. Your team needs to create a REDCap project for a new study, but your team doesn’t have experience with REDCap or the time to learn. Our team can create your REDCap project for you to your specifications. We will hand over a fully formed REDCap project that is ready for your data collection.

Database and data migration from other data structures

If you are wishing to move your database from one database structure to another, we can do the build and/or data migration for your archived data.

e.g. Building REDCap project and migrating data from a MS Access database to that REDCap database.

External Module configurations

External modules may require some additional skills to program or setup for a REDCap project. Our team can do the technical setup or programming of these external modules.

e.g. Your project requires additional advanced functionality not part of core REDCap, but can be added to your project through the use of an external module

Our consult services are not limited to the list above and we are always eager to take on new and complex projects. If an investigator anticipates the need for these services, please submit a Research Project Request to the REDCap Administrators to schedule an estimate for your project. Our consult services usually have a queue and operate on a first come, first serve basis so please plan accordingly in advance to assure that projects needs may be met.

REDCap Pricing


Available to all UR employees at no cost:
  • Access to the REDCap software
  • Access to instructional User Guides and online training resources
  • Up to 5 hours of REDCap consultation
  • 1 free session of hands-on beginner REDCap training
  • Grant and IRB support letters
  • REDCap e-Consent (non-Part 11)

Starting at $1,750

Available to all UR employees & external users:
  • Project builds and configuration services
  • Assistance with complex REDCap features
  • Project-specific plugins, hooks, external modules or other customizations