UR CTSI Exploring Interest in Multi-Site Clinical Trials

The University of Rochester Clinical and Translational Science Institute (UR CTSI) is seeking to expand research opportunities for the URMC research community. We're particularly interested in gauging your willingness to collaborate in multi-site clinical trials, both within and beyond our institution.

Your Input Needed

To identify potential collaborators and initiate conversations with other sites, we're gathering information about current and future multi-site Principal Investigators (PIs).

How We Can Help

UR CTSI can connect you with multi-site study opportunities from various public and private sources.

Take the Survey

Please complete the brief survey below to share your interest and help us explore potential collaborations.

Spread the Word

Feel free to share this survey with colleagues in your research group who are current PIs or aspiring PIs for multi-site study.

Important Note

The number of available multi-site study opportunities is limited. However, the UR CTSI team will reach out to you if a study aligns with your research interests.


Thank you. 


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