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Completion of this form is required for all requests to the CTSI Informatics service branch.
Upon submission, one of our service experts will correspond with you directly when your request is next up in their queue.
Incomplete forms cannot be processed and will be deleted in 7 calendar days. If your request is deleted, a new completed form will be required. If you are requesting a clinical data set, you are required to comply with HIPAA privacy regulations for appropriate uses and disclosures of PHI (Protected Health Information). You must limit your request of PHI to only the information required to conduct your research, per the HIPAA minimum necessary standard.
Additional information on HIPAA requirements can be found on the URMC and Affiliates intranet site.
PLEASE NOTE: The CTSI Informatics service does not provide eRecord data for non-research projects. Please get in touch with the UR Medicine Quality Institute for non-research initiatives such as QI/QA, hospital operations, etc. Data and service requests for such projects can be submitted at the Quality Institute intranet site .
What Informatics service are you interested in?
* must provide value
Clinical Data Request - Use this service line for: • Clinical data export from eRecord • TriNetX query result exports • MyChart For Recruitment requests
Study Design and Planning
Data Analysis
Population Health
Informatics Consultation - Data and Tools
Trial Feasibility (CTSI OCR Staff only)
COVID-19 Biobank sample request
Secure Environment for Research Data Analytics (SERDA)
CTSI Quality Improvement (CTSI Staff only)
TriNetX Research Dataset Request
BLIS or Biobanking
If you need more than one service area, select your primary need. We will triage your request within the informatics team.
Request Date
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
First Name
* must provide value
Last Name
* must provide value
* must provide value
* must provide value
Include area code, i.e. (XXX) XXX-XXXX
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Are you the principal investigator?
NOTE: If you are the project lead, study coordinator, health project coordinator, sub-PI, or other project team member, you are NOT the principal investigator.
* must provide value
Please provide the name of the principal investigator, intended principal investigator if still conducting feasibility:
* must provide value
Email of principal investigator:
* must provide value
Study name for future correspondence
* must provide value
Due Date
By what date must this request be fulfilled?
***Please note that there is a minimum turn around time of 3 weeks, which can extend to 8 weeks.***
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Is this request for research?
NOTE: In addition to IRB approved projects, data requests for research include projects that are preparatory to research (feasibility).
* must provide value
Based on your response, the project for which you are requesting data is not a research project. The CTSI Informatics service does not provide eRecord data for non-research projects. Please contact the UR Medicine Quality Institute for non-research initiatives such as QI/QA, hospital operations, etc. Data and service requests for such projects can be submitted on the Quality Institute's intranet site .
Covid Samples are for IRB Approved Research Studies only. Please indicate whether your project is Preparatory to Research (feasibility) or IRB approved?
* must provide value
IRB Approved
Please note that only aggregated counts (no row level data) can be returned for the preparatory to research request of COVID-19 BioBank specimen. Has the IRB determined that your study is "exempt" from further review?
* must provide value
Approval end date:
(NOTE: If your study approval has expired inadvertently, we can initiate the data request process, but we cannot provide any data sets until the approval is renewed.)
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Please upload the HIPAA Preparatory to Research form, 25.3; it is accessible
here .
After completing the HIPAA 25.3 form, you will receive an email with your form attached as a PDF file. Please upload the file here.
* must provide value
Please identify the IRB that reviewed and approved the study protocol.
* must provide value
IRB Study ID#
* must provide value
Please provide a copy of the most current IRB review letter.
* must provide value
Please upload your IRB-approved PDF protocol/plan.
* must provide value
What is the funding source for your study?
* must provide value
NIH Industry URMC Other Not Funded
You indicate that this data is not needed for a research project (i.e. your project is NOT either preparatory to research or IRB approved research). Please provide a detailed description of your non-research project.
The patients who will populate your data set will come from what source?NOTE : We strongly recommend that investigator provided patient lists include eMRN (ie NOT SMH MRN, HH MRN) to avoid a delay in production time.
* must provide value
TriNetX query result
I already have a list of patients representing the study population and will upload a spreadsheet to this form.
I will provide selection criteria for the CTSI to find the patients.
You indicated above that the source for your population will be a TriNetX query. TriNetX is a cohort discovery tool that is available through the CTSI website here:
Using TriNetX you can build a query and identify (count) populations that meet specific criteria. This section of the request form is specifically for those who have used TriNetX and want us to reidentify the population of a query result. Additionally, we can use a TriNetX population as the basis for extracting a data set/list of variables. If either of these options is not what you intended, you either:
(1) already have a known set of patients that you will upload to this request
(2) want us to find the population.
If either (1) or (2) apply to you, please go back to the previous section of this form and make another selection.
The next few questions are for TriNetX users ONLY . They will help us identify your specific TriNetX query .
This data represents aggregated results from the TrinetX research network, representing over 100 different healthcare organizations (HCO) and over 110 million patients. TriNetX harmonizes electronic medical record (EMR) and other real-world data (RWD) sources from these healthcare organizations, allowing researchers to explore structured, deidentified patient facts within populations matching custom criteria on a user-friendly analytics platform. The deidentified results will not reveal from which HCOs the data is derived, including URMC .
To proceed with this request:
A dataset request must be submitted on TriNetX for a query built on the TriNetX Research network. TriNetX works with PI to create Data Set Order form The licensing terms, including pricing for the TriNetX data set, are subject to negotiation between you and TriNetX. If you are not the principal investigator, the PI details must be provided in the appropriate fields in this form. The PI will be notified of this request and must be included on all communications between yourself, CTSI, TriNetX and ORPA. PI create a new DUA in IORA and attach the Data Set Order form TriNetX will email PI the link to the dataset after the Data Set Order form is fully executed. CTSI must be included on all communications related to this request at: If you want to request a TriNetX research network dataset and have submitted a request for a research network dataset within TriNetX, please complete this form.
If you are looking for a URMC data set, identifiable data, or something else, please go back to the previous section of this form and select Clinical Data Request.
If the TriNetX query was developed by someone other than yourself, please provide their username (URMC email).
TriNetX Study Name:
* must provide value
Name of TriNetX query that you want to pull data from:
* must provide value
TriNetX query date and exact time:
* must provide value
What is the funding source for your study?
* must provide value
NIH Industry URMC Other Not Funded
If other, please specify:
What is the purpose of the data request:
* must provide value
How is the study cohort (inclusion/exclusion) defined?
* must provide value
Is it limited to UR patients?
* must provide value
How does the study team plan to use/analyze the dataset downloaded from the TriNetX Research network?
* must provide value
Does the team have the capacity to handle a large volume of data?
* must provide value
How long does the study team need to license the dataset from TriNetX?
* must provide value
Please upload the data set order form you received from TriNetX. If you do not have an order form yet, please provide it to the CTSI upon receipt.
Please upload your complete Sample Request Application. The COVID-19 Biobank Governance Committee will review your application request and inform you of their decision. You can find the Sample Request Application here .
* must provide value
What type of sample do you need?
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What is the number of unique COVID-19 subjects (i.e. subjects that have had at least 1 positive COVID-19 PCR test) you need?
What is the number of unique control subjects (i.e. subjects that never have had a positive COVID-19 PCR test) you need?
What is the minimum serum volume needed per subject?
Do you want longitudinal inpatient serum samples from the same subject?
If yes, please describe your ideal time period between draws?
What is the number of unique COVID-19 subjects (i.e. subjects that have had at least 1 positive COVID-19 PCR test) you need?
What is the number of unique control subjects (i.e. subjects that never have had a positive COVID-19 PCR test) you need?
What is the minimum cell count needed per subject?
Do you want longitudinal inpatient serum samples from the same subject?
If yes, please select request inpatient time points (close to admission, ~3-5 days, ~8-10 or discharge)
What is the number of unique COVID-19 subjects (i.e. subjects that have had at least 1 positive COVID-19 PCR test) you need?
What is the number of unique control subjects (i.e. subjects that never have had a positive COVID-19 PCR test) you need?
What is the minimum plasma volume needed per subject?
Do you want longitudinal inpatient serum samples from the same subject?
If yes, please select request inpatient time points (close to admission, ~3-5 days, ~8-10 or discharge)
Do you want plasma subjects and timepoints paired with PBMC subjects and timepoints?
Patient Selection Criteria:
Identify the parameters for determining the patients who will populate your data set.
EXAMPLES: demographics, date range, diagnoses, procedures, patient types, lab values, medication names, provider names, inpatient/outpatient, location, etc.
* must provide value
What data are you looking for?
Please provide a detailed list of the data elements you need (e.g. eMRN, Patient Name, Date of Birth, Date of Death, zips, demographics, social history, vital signs, diagnosis, organ function tests, labs, ventilator uses, medications, SOFA scores, hospitalization, ICU admissions, patient care unit, charges, physician related data, etc.)
* must provide value
What tool are you planning to use to work with your data? (please select all that apply)NOTE - DATA DELIVERY PROCEDURES :
When the data volume of an individual data set is small (< 1 million rows), data will be delivered on spreadsheets (Excel). This applies to most reports.
When the data volume is large, data will be delivered in tab-delimited plain text format (.txt file extension).
When the data volume is over 500MB, the preferred delivery mechanism is direct deployment to the requester’s SMDNAS folder. Alternative solutions will be considered, contingent on HIPAA and regulatory compliance. This is handled in a case-by-case basis because requesters may not have suitable network resources to receive data.
A data report may be delivered using more than one solution.
* must provide value
What HIPAA dataset do you have IRB approval for?NOTE: This applies to the data that you receive from us, not how your study team will treat the data during or after analysis.
* must provide value
Identifiable data
Limited Data Set (no PHI except ALL dates and Zip codes)
De-identified data
How will this data be used?
Please provide a brief description of how this data will be used. Describe how the data contributes to the project's aim(s).
* must provide value
Will this data be disclosed to anyone else (within URMC) besides the requestor? If "yes" document who in the "Comments" section.
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Will this data be disclosed to a third party outside URMC and Affiliates? If so document who in the "Comments" section.
* must provide value
Will the population be activated for the "MyChart For Recruitment" utility, as per the CTSI Research Services branch?
NOTE: The "MyChart For Recruitment" tool requires a preliminary consultation with the Research Services staff at the CTSI. Select "Yes" here ONLY if you have had, or plan to have such a consultation.
* must provide value
Please upload any data sets or other information that might assist us in understanding and processing your data request.
PHI Agreement (initials)
I understand and agree to comply with all URMC and Affiliates HIPAA policies regarding the use and disclosure of PHI.
Additional information on HIPAA requirements can be found on the URMC and Affiliates intranet site
here. * must provide value
This service includes determining the best methodologies (mixed methods, quantitative, qualitative), study design, study implementation strategies, and analytical plans to answer your research questions.
Which aspects of study design are related to your request?
Check all that apply.
* must provide value
Please briefly describe your request.
Please note any documents that have already been uploaded to the Research Request Dashboard.
Additional documents can be added below.
Please upload any relevant files to assist with our first meeting that have not already been uploaded to the Research Request Dashboard.
The data analysis service help you make plans to develop or apply analytic and statistical methods to biomedical data.
Please provide a brief description for your research question/project.
* must provide value
Please provide a detailed description of your study design.
* must provide value
How will this data analysis be applied?
* must provide value
Please list:
Outcome variables
Predictor Variables
Confounding Variables
* must provide value
How is your data formatted (statistical software, CSV, Excel, txt, etc.)?
* must provide value
What is the sample size of your study?
* must provide value
Please provide additional supporting/clarifying information for the sample size question, if necessary.
Please provide any other supporting information for your data analysis question(s).
Please provide a deadline for your data analysis.
(Note: data analysis has a minimum fulfillment time of 3 weeks.)
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Please upload any files with additional information that supports your data analysis request.
This type of request is for information relevant to the review, description, accessibility, or collection of health data for a general or specific population.
For each question below, please select the option that BEST describes your request.
Please briefly describe your population health request.
What type of population health support do you need?
* must provide value
What geographic level of data are you interested in?
* must provide value
For what unit-of-analysis are you planning?
* must provide value
Please upload any files with additional information that supports your population health request.
This service provides advice regarding innovative information technology, systems and tools, databases, or related methods, to support your research projects
Please provide details describing your project and what you want to get from consultation.
* must provide value
Please upload any information to support your request.
The Secure Environment for Research Data Analytics (SERDA) is a secure environment for researchers to access and analyze clinical data containing protected health information (PHI). It offers analytical tools, secure data storage and data backup - all accessible from your desktop.
Please provide details describing your project and why you are interested in joining Secure Environment for Research Data Analytics (SERDA).
* must provide value
Please provide details describing your quality improvement project.
This request for for CTSI internal use only
* must provide value
This service provides advice regarding study data pipeline, integration and management using CTSI's Biolab Informatics Server (BLIS) system, or biobanking need for your research projects.
Please provide details describing your project and what you want to get from consultation.
* must provide value
Please upload any information to support your request.