NOTICE: This project is currently in Development status. Real data should NOT be entered until the project has been moved to Production status.

Thank you for your interest in applying for the Community Health Mini-Grant Program. Mini-Grants are one-time grants awarded yearly, and limited to one community project each year per partnership.

Funds can be used to:

  • Initiate new research or program partnerships between URMC and community partner(s).
  • Help sustain ongoing community efforts in periods of transition (e.g., between grant funding).
  • Help existing partnerships grow to the next level (e.g. adding research activities to an ongoing community service project).

Please review the full description, eligiblity guidelines, and instructions before applying.

Please complete the requested team information and upload the descriptive narrative (maximum 2 pages + cover sheet) and two (2) letters of support. Information supplied will be kept confidential and shared only with reviewers.

  • Application Deadline: Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 12:00 pm

Notification of award will be made approximately one month after submission. 

Complete and submit only one response per team. Incomplete applications will not be scored.

For questions and assistance, please contact Laura Sugarwala.

Community Health Mini-Grants are supported and funded by the Center for Community Health & Prevention and the Clinical and Translational Science Institute of URMC, UL1 TR002001

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