URMC Requestor's UserName
* must provide value
Requestor's Name:
Your Name should appear as it does in Active Directory
* must provide value
Requestor's Title/Role:
* must provide value
Principal Investigator (Faculty) Lab Manager Department Administrator Other IT Administrator
Approving User's URMC Email:
* must provide value
If you are not the PI, Departmental Administrator, or PI, please provide the URMC E-Mail Address of the person that can approve this request.
I would like to
* must provide value
Request a new share Change my share's quota Add/remove user access to a share Restore deleted data / Retrieve an earlier version of data Create a new restricted folder on my share Cancel an existing share Update Billing / Contact Information
Please review all options before selecting. An incorrect option will delay your request.
Quota Change?
* must provide value
Increase the quota of my share Decrease the quota of my share
What is the name of your current server share?
Use the drop down menu to select your share name.
NeuroScience_Data is now SMDNAS02
* must provide value
1381_Research AcademicIT AckermanLab AIR Alexis_Lab Alio_Lab Aljitawi_Lab Altman_Lab Anderson_Lab apentland apietropaoli asimning Auerbach_Lab Bajaj_Lab BCBP_Office Becker_Lab Beckham_Lab BerkLab BioRad Block_Lab BMG_Admin BMG_KScoville BMG_Master Bohmann-Filemaker BrownMajewska_Lab Calvi_Lab Cancer_Center_Administration Cancer_COED Carney_Lab CarneyLab Carpizo_Lab cbunce Chhabra_Lab Chakkalakal_Lab Ciucci_Lab CIRC CKD-PC CMartina_Lab CMSR_Histology_Core CMSR_IVM COB COLLAB Croft_Pulm CThirukumaran CTN-Burack CTO CTSI cvbi_admin CVRI CVRI_BI CVRI_Expenditures CVRI_Olympus_Data CVRI_Public CVRI-Quicken DB_BACKUP DeLouise_Lab Dermatology_CTU Derm_JRWolf Dozier_Covid_Vaccine_Lab Dozier_Lab DewhurstLab DRich_Lab Duric_Lab Dziorny_Lab E-Moms Echo-Data EHill_InfantHealth Elder_Lab ElliottLab Ermolenko_Lab EWilliams_Lab example Falsetta_Lab FCC_CoreArchive FCC_Library FCC_Staff FCC_Transfer Fernandez_Lab Finance92 FiskeLab FoxeLab Fudge_Lab FM_HIVTD FM_SBI FM_VOICE GangulyLab Genomics_Research_Center GeriOnc GeriatricsAndAging Glading_Lab Gramling_Lab GRC_Backup Haber_Lab Hardy_Lab Hezel_Lab HFM_Projects Hill_Lab HiradLab Hindman Hindman_Team_Share HinkleLab Holt_Lab Holter_Registry HTRL huxlinlab ILyAD_WES Intrator_Lab Jin_Lab JKobieLab Kim_Lab Knight_Lab KobieLab Kopycka-REACH Korshunov_Lab Kottmann_Lab Kuhns_Data LalorLab Lawrence Lab LCallahan Liesveld_Lab Life_Sciences_Learning_Center LMcNiece Lopes_lab Lowenstein_Lab Lumi_Share LXu Mapstone_Lab Maquat_Files MBI_Share McGarry_Lab MChung McIntosh_Lab MediData Mendler_Lab Metabolomics_Lab MianoLab MicroArrayBlueGnome Mink_Lab Mkeefer mlentine MolDxLab01 Monaco_Lab Morrell-Lab Munger_Lab Nanomembranes NBA-Finance NBA-IT-SHOP Nehrke_Lab Neuroscience_Data_Archive NeuroSurg OBGYN_historicaldata ObGyn_ORA_Share O-Labs OME OME_Administration OME_Student_Services Ophth_Aquavella Ophthalmology OrthoCMSR Ossip_Lab Ovitt_Lab Paige-Lab Pang_Lab Pasternak_Lab Pathology_Molecular_Diagnostics PathologyMicroArrayAgilent PathwaysDiscovery periFACTS Phipps_Lab Phizicky_Grayhack_Labs PHS PHS_CCH PR_Lab PROP PWhite_Lab Radiogenomics_Cancer_Control Rand_ImmunizationLab Rajeev_Ramchandran_Share RDS01 REACH_Lab REACH_Study Recruit_Share RICE_Modules Ritchlin_Lab RKMiller Romanski_Lab Rossmann_Lab rva_cer SCasamento Schartz_Lab Seplaki_Team sfeldon SHORE Shrager_Lab Shubing_Cai_Lab Sime_Lab Small_Lab SMDNAS02 Sottile_Lab Soni Surgery_PRO Susiarjo_Lab Taubman_Lab Tabayoyong_Lab Thakar_Lab TSOS_Study UCAR_Share U01_Block_Study UORCL UR-CTMF URMC-CCMC URMC-CCMC-BUS urmc-lcmj URSCC Veazie_Lab Wang_Lab Wilmot_Clerical URMC-MP WCI_Fortessa Web_Services WhiteLab WU_Lab XLTEK_ARCHIVE Yan_Lab Yao_Lab Yarovinsky_Lab Yousefi_Nooraie_lab Yu_Lab YueLi_Lab YuLiu_Lab Zand_Lab Zent_HCL GRC_Ackerman_K GRC_Aljitawi_O GRC_Altman_B GRC_Anderson_C GRC_Anderson_D GRC_Anolik_J GRC_Arany_S GRC_Ashton_J GRC_Astapova_O GRC_Awad_H GRC_Bajaj_J GRC_Beck_L GRC_Berk_B GRC_Bharadwaj_R GRC_Boutz_P GRC_Boyce_B GRC_Brewer_M GRC_Bulgac_E GRC_Bulger_M GRC_Burack_R GRC_Bushnell_T GRC_Butler_S GRC_Calvi_L GRC_Campbell_T GRC_Cao_C GRC_Carpizo_D GRC_Chhabra_K GRC_Cole_C GRC_Dewhurst_S GRC_Dhakal_A GRC_Dirksen_R GRC_Drage_M GRC_Dunman_P GRC_Dziejman_M GRC_Freedman_E GRC_Friedberg_J GRC_Fries_C GRC_Frisch_B GRC_Fudge_J GRC_Garcia-Hernandez_M GRC_Geha_P GRC_Georas_S GRC_Gill_S GRC_Goldman_S GRC_Gorbunova_V GRC_Hammes_S GRC_Harris_I GRC_Hayes_J GRC_Hezel_A GRC_Huxlin_K GRC_Janelsins_M GRC_Jarvinen-Seppo_K GRC_Jin_Z GRC_Johnson_G GRC_Jonason_J GRC_Kielkopf_C GRC_Kiernan_A GRC_Kim_M GRC_Korman_B GRC_Kurosaki_T GRC_Land_H GRC_Larracuente_A GRC_Lawrence_P GRC_Le_T GRC_Li_X GRC_Linehan_D GRC_Loiselle_A GRC_Looney_J GRC_Luan_X GRC_Lueck_J GRC_Majewska_A GRC_Maquat_L GRC_Mariani_J GRC_Mariani_T GRC_Marples_B GRC_Mayer-Proschel_M GRC_McGrath_J GRC_McGraw_M GRC_Meeks_J GRC_Mello_S GRC_Meng_Y GRC_Monaco_C GRC_Moore_A GRC_Moore_R GRC_Morrell_C GRC_Mosmann_T GRC_Mullen_C GRC_Munger_J GRC_Murphy_P GRC_Murphy_S GRC_Muthukrishnan_G GRC_Nichols_A GRC_OBanion_K GRC_OConnell_M GRC_Oltvai_Z GRC_Oreilly_M GRC_Osinski_T GRC_Palis_J GRC_Park_H GRC_Pavelka_M GRC_Perkins_A GRC_Phizicky_E GRC_Porter_G GRC_Proschel_C GRC_Pryhuber_G GRC_Rahimi_H GRC_Rahman_I GRC_Rand_M GRC_Redmond_E GRC_Rosero_S GRC_Rowe_R GRC_Sakano_H GRC_Scheible_K GRC_Schifitto_G GRC_Schwarz_E GRC_Seluanov_A GRC_Singh_M GRC_Singh_R GRC_Small_E GRC_Sobolewski-Terry_M GRC_Steiner_L GRC_Sun_Y GRC_Susiarjo_M GRC_Takimoto_T GRC_Thakar_J GRC_Thornton_C GRC_Topham_D GRC_Turner_R GRC_Velez_M GRC_Vertino_P GRC_Wagner_E GRC_Wang_K GRC_Wang_X GRC_Ward_B GRC_Wedekind_J GRC_White_P GRC_Woeller_C GRC_Wojtovich_A GRC_Wu_C GRC_Wu_J GRC_Xiao_J GRC_Xing_L GRC_Yan_C GRC_Yao_P GRC_Yao_Z GRC_Yarovinsky_F GRC_Yeh_S GRC_Yu_Y GRC_Yule_D GRC_Zand_M GRC_Zent_C GRC_Zhang_X
Please click on the arrow to the right and select your drive from the dropdown list. If you do not see your share listed here, please call x44444.
Department NameNote: If portions of this share should be billed to a grant, your department should monitor and transfer funding to their accounts according to the grant's Data Management Plan or budgets. Shares without a DMP or data storage budget are the sole responsibility of the department sponsoring the faculty.
* must provide value
Biochemistry & Biophysics Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Genetics Cancer Center Cardiology Center for Musculoskeletal Research Center for Oral Biology Center for Vaccine Biology & Immunology Center For Vaccine Biology and Immunology CMSR CTN, Goldman Lab CVRI-Medicine Department of Biomedical Genetics Department of Medicine/CVRI Department of Microbiology and Immunology Department of Radiation Oncology Dermatology EIOH Endocrinology General Pediatrics Hematology and Oncology Imaging Sciences Medcial Oncology Medical Onoclogy Medicine Medicine - Pulmonary Medicine-Nephrology Medicine, Infectious Disease Division Microbiology & Immunology Microbiology and Immunology Molecular Diagnostics Lab, Pathology nephrology Neurology Neuroscience Neuroscience - SMDNAS02 ObGyn Research Obstetrics and Gynecology OME Ophthalmology ORIT Orthopaedics Orthopaedics, Center for musculoskeletal research Pediatrics Pharmacology and Physiology PHS Public Health Sciences Public Health Sciences CCH SMDAIT Supportive Care in Cancer Surgery Surgical Oncology UCAR Urology WCI Medicine Wilmot Cancer Institute
Billing FAO/Grant #:
* must provide value
Share can only be billed to a single FAO.
Billing Company Code
* must provide value
How many additional Terabyte (TB) of storage would you like to add to your share?Space is billed at $200 per TB, per year.
* must provide value
What would you like your new share quota to be (in TB)?Space is billed at $200 per TB, per year.
* must provide value
How many Terabyte (TB) of storage space do you require?Space is billed at $200 per TB, per year.
* must provide value
Requested Share Name:
* must provide value
Generally the convention is Investigator_Lab, ie. "Smith_Lab". If you don't have a lab it is generally the department name or workgroup. If you're not sure how to answer you can leave this blank.
I confirm that I am an investigator, lab manager, or other agent authorized to increase the storage space on the ______ share and incur these charges.
* must provide value
New Annual Share Cost ($):
View equation
This will be the new annual cost for the share starting next fiscal year. The prorated difference between your previous annual cost and the new cost will be credited towards your account based on the remainder of the current fiscal year.
Please list the date and general time of the backup you'd like the data recovered from. For instance something like "4/1/16 at 5pm".
* must provide value
mm/dd/yy hh:mm AM/PM
I confirm that I am an investigator, lab manager, or other agent authorized to request this share and incur these charges.
* must provide value
Additional Cost Per Year ($):
View equation
Please note this cost is in addition to your current annual share cost. You will be charged a prorated portion of this difference on your next annual invoice based on the remainder of the fiscal year.
View equation
You will be charged a prorated amount of this cost based on the remainder of the fiscal year, then billed for this full amount at the start of each fiscal year.
Any other questions, concerns, or items to note?
Please do not add additional requests in this box. Each request need to be submitted separately.
Below please give your best approximation of what the folder path/filename is of the data you would like restored. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be to assist with the retrieval.
* must provide value
An example of a path is: \\\smdnas\example_lab\folder1\folder2\filename.docx
Please list the full names of the individuals who should have access to the share. If anyone should have restricted permission (for instance read-only) please make a note of it.
* must provide value
Access to ORIT managed storage requires a valid active URMC AD Login.
List the URMC AD Login that should be granted access.
If a user does not have a URMC account, please contact your department administrator to create one for them.
Please list the full names of those who should have access to the share revoked:
Approving User's Name
One of the following:
* PI
* Lab Manager
* Departmental Administrator
Requestor's Phone Number:
Approving User's Phone Number:
If you are not the PI, Departmental Administrator, or PI, please provide the contact phone number of the person that can approve this request.
Please enter the names of the URMC users that are allowed to grant access to this share. You MUST supply at least one person
Lab/Subfolder Folder Name:
* must provide value
What should the name of the restricted folder(s) be:
Foldernames should not contain spaces
* must provide value
Please list the full names of those who should have access to the restricted folder. The default access is read/write, if you require some individuals to have different permissions than this, please note it.
LN, FN, URMC Login, URMC Email
Yes No
Technical Contact Person:
LN, FN, URMC Login, URMC Email
Technical Contact's Phone Number:
Technical Contact's Email Address:
Should the Technical Contact receive the monthly statements?:
Yes No
Is the Billing Contact the same as the Technical Contact?
Yes No
Billing Contact's Phone Number:
Please don't forget to add the contact that processes your invoices. This is commonly your Departmental Administrator.
How many additional contacts would you like to add?
0 1 2 3
Please leave this blank if you only need to add the billing and technical contact.
First Additional Contact's Name:
First Additional Contact's Phone:
First Additional Contact's Email Address:
Should the First Additional Contact receive the monthly billing statements?:
Yes No
I, ______ , authorize a quota increase of ______ GB to the ______ share. I acknowledge and agree to pay the Additional Cost Per Year stated above when I am invoiced.
I confirm that I am an investigator, lab manager, or other agent authorized to increase the storage space on the ______ share and incur these charges.
I, ______ , authorize the reduction of the quota for the ______ share to a total of ______ GB. I acknowledge and agree to pay the New Annual Share Cost stated above when I am invoiced.
I confirm that I am an investigator, lab manager, or other agent authorized to lower the quota on the ______ share.
I, ______ , authorize the parties I have listed above to have access to the ______ share in the manner I have described; if I have not specified a level of access, all parties I have listed will have read/write/delete rights on the entire ______ share.
I confirm and acknowledge the removal of access for any parties I have listed as such above from the ______ share.
I confirm that I am an investigator, lab manager, or other agent authorized to change access to the ______ share.
I, ______ , authorize the cancellation of the ______ share immediately.
I confirm that I have copied off all necessary data and the share can be wiped immediately without the possibility of data recovery.
I confirm I am the investigator, lab manager, or other agent authorized to request the deletion of this share.
I, ______ , confirm the creation of the restricted folder(s) listed above. I understand that only the parties I have specified will have access and if no access level has been specified, those parties will have read/write/delete on the new folder(s).
I confirm that I am an investigator, lab manager, or other agent authorized to request folders with restricted access on the ______ share.
SMDNAS Request form [Record ID]
ADMIN - New Assigned Share Name
ADMIN - Request Completed
Use this field to mark special requests
ADMIN - Completion Date
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
ADMIN - Has the billing database been updated?
If there is a cost associated with this request, please pdf the request and forward to Gail.
ADMIN: NEW SHARE - Redcap Share List Updates?
If there is a cost associated with this request, please pdf the request and forward to Gail.
ADMIN - MyIT Ticket Number
ADMIN - Completion Notes
Locate Service Now document for this SNOW Request
SCTASK: SCTASK: https://urmcprod.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=%2F$sn_global_search_results.do%3Fsysparm_search%3D4551
______ : \\SMDNAS\______ \______ , ______
Requestor Name : ______ Requestor Email : ______
Authorization Verification: https://aitwiki.urmc-sh.rochester.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=63177004 Description :approving_user_email : ______ approving_user_2 : ______ approving_user : ______ existing_share_name : ______ recover_date : ______ restore_data_path : ______ admin_tect_2 : [admin_tect_2] admin_tect : [admin_tect] approving_user_2 : ______ approving_user : ______ approving_user_email : ______ existing_share_name : ______ restricted_folder_name : ______ restricted_folder_rights : ______ lab_folder_name : ______ change_permissions_add : ______ permissions_change_remove : ______ existing_share_name : ______ lab_folder_name : ______ approving_user : ______ approving_user_email : ______ approving_user_2 : ______ change_permissions_add : ______ permissions_change_remove : ______ Notes:[note] ______ [tech_notes] ______ Service Now SCTASK : : SCTASK: https://urmcprod.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=%2F$sn_global_search_results.do%3Fsysparm_search%3DREDCap%3B______ name : ______ submission_date : ______ name : ______ phone_number : ______ record_id : ______ service_type : ______ userfullname : [userfullname] useremail : [useremail] REDCap Request Links• REDCap Request ______ : https://redcap.urmc.rochester.edu/redcap/redcap_v14.3.13/DataEntry/index.php?pid=3287&page=server_request_form&id=&event_id=11510&instance=1 • REDCap Close: https://redcap.urmc.rochester.edu/redcap/redcap_v14.3.13/DataEntry/index.php?pid=3287&page=server_request_form&id=______ &event_id=11510&editresp=1 • Original Survey: https://redcap.urmc.rochester.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=3CoyFzJFq6
SMDNAS Share permission changes are requested at REDCap: https://redcap.urmc.rochester.edu/redcap/surveys/?s=78PY3RADCN
REDCap Survey Form
Share Quota Change:
New Share Name : ______ Existing Share Name : ______ Contact: ______ Billing Company Code: ______ Billing FAO/Grant : ______ New Share (nnGB): ______ Increase: (nn GB) ______ , or Decrease: (nn GB) ______